
Oct 202021

The 2021 All Colt Show in Indiana is over. All tables were sold and the membership turned out to enjoy buying and selling their Colt firearms. It was good to see old friends and make new ones. It was a great show. Next year we are back to Charlotte/Concord. 2024 will be Scottsdale, AZ and 2025 will be San Marcos, TX.

The Wilkerson family lost a good friend and fellow collector, Dan Reber, in May. We first met Dan at a Minnesota Weapons Collectors show in the 1980’s. Don became Dan’s mentor in his collecting of Colt Single Action Army revolvers. Dan later became the editor of The Rampant Colt magazine and served on the board of the Colt Collectors Association.

I have three guns left from Dan’s collection. One 2nd generation in the stagecoach box, one black box revolver and an Official Police.

Dan had an extensive memorabilia collection and Earl Whitney is handling those items as he has the years of experience to do it justice. Earl’s web site is the.rampant.colt45@gmail.com. Contact me if you need his phone number.

I am fortunate to have a wide range of revolvers for you to choose from. As always your business is much appreciated.

If you are an avid collector of Colt custom single-action revolvers and reference books, you have come to the right place. The Wilkerson family have been in the business for over 40 years, and customer satisfaction is a priority. Check My Contacts for information and call me for more information.

If you have an interest in high quality, collectible revolvers, give me a call. There is a wonderful selection of calibers and barrel lengths. The ability to find early 2nd Generation Colt Single Action revolvers has become difficult.

The demand is high for collector pieces. This is the best selection of second and third generation revolvers I have shown in years.

Please visit our web site www.coltcollectors.com.

There has been a change for the Memorabilia page. After 10 years my supply of Don’s memorabilia collection has dwindled. A good friend has just introduced a Colt memorabilia web page and I think he will serve your needs very well. His web page is www.coltcollectables.com. He is very good with out of print versions of Don’s books, too. Please check him out. If you have any questions about these posting, please contact me at carol@collectcolt.com.

There are monthly updates to keep up with changes at the Colt factory and other items of note in our business. Feel free to click on October 2021.

Please feel free to browse the Colt revolvers and the Colt books that Don has written. Don’s last book The Official Record of the Colt Single Action Army Revolver, 1873-1895 has gotten great reviews.

The deluxe cased and numbered leather edition is now available. The price is $395, plus $15 postage. Photographs are posted.

Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. Our website is always up-to-date with new inventory. Every effort has been made to assure simple navigation.

We always have new and unusual revolvers in stock, in addition to common models. Rare and exceptional variations are what we have been known for, and set us apart from others.

As a brief side note, I am one of five founding directors of The Elizabeth Colt Legacy Foundation. Please click on the Elizabeth Colt Legacy Foundation – 501 (c) (3) and take a look at us. When you are considering a tax deductible donation for a very worthy cause – youth and their future in our shooting and collecting world – please think about us.

Thank you for stopping by our web site. Check us out often as inventory tends to change rapidly.

Carol K. Wilkerson